How MSTI is Revolutionizing Car Scrapping in India

India, one of the fastest-growing automobile markets in the world, has seen a significant increase in the number of vehicles on its roads over the past few decades. However, with the rise in vehicle ownership, there has also been a corresponding increase in old and unusable vehicles that are no longer roadworthy and need to be scrapped. Car scrapping is a complex process involving the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of vehicles, which often poses challenges in India for various reasons, such as lack of proper infrastructure, inadequate regulations, and limited awareness about environmentally friendly scrapping practices.

However, amidst these challenges, one organization leading the way in revolutionizing car scrapping in India is, a government of India enterprise. MSTI (Maruti Suzuki Toyotsu India) is a Joint venture of Maruti Suzuki India Limited and Toyota Tsusho Group is a car scrapping vertical, which has been at the forefront of introducing innovative approaches and technologies to transform the car scrapping industry in India. In this blog, we will explore the challenges of car scrapping in India, highlight MSTI's innovative approach, display the technology and processes used at MSTI's facility in Noida, and discuss the benefits of MSTI's revolutionizing efforts

How MSTI is Revolutionizing Car Scrapping in India

Challenges of Car Scrapping in India

Car scrapping in India faces several challenges, which include:

  1. Competition with informal Sector: In India, vehicle are still going to Informal sector for scrapping purpose. Informal sectors are not complying the Rules & Regulations and are not taking care the enviorment and safety.

  2. Limited awareness about environmentally friendly scrapping practices and benefits to scrap with RVSF: There needs to be more awareness among vehicle owners, operators, and the public about environmentally friendly scrapping practices. People are not aware about the incentives announced by the government. Many old vehicles are scrapped in an unsafe and environmentally harmful manner, leading to pollution, contamination of soil and water bodies, and health hazards for workers and nearby communities. Lack of awareness about the importance of responsible scrapping practices and the benefit of recycling further complicates the car scrapping process in India

MSTI's Innovative Approach to Car Scrapping

MSTI, as a leading player in the car scrapping industry in India, has introduced innovative approaches to address the challenges faced by the industry. MSTI's approach to car scrapping is built on three pillars - safety, environmental responsibility, and customer convenience. Let's take a closer look at how MSTI's innovative approach is revolutionizing car scrapping in India:

  1. Safety-first approach: MSTI prioritizes safety in all its operations. The scrapping process at MSTI's facility in Noida is carried out with the utmost care to ensure the safety of workers, nearby communities, and the environment. MSTI strictly adheres to safety guidelines and regulations and employs trained professionals who follow best practices in handling hazardous materials, fluids, and recyclable components during scrapping. This ensures that the scrapping process is carried out safely, minimizing the risks of handling potentially harmful substances.

  2. Environmentally responsible practices: MSTI is committed to environmentally responsible car scrapping practices. The facility in Noida is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and processes that enable efficient recycling of recyclable components and responsible disposal of hazardous materials. MSTI follows environmentally friendly practices such as waste segregation, recycling metal and non-metal components, and safe disposal of fluids, batteries, and tires. These practices prevent pollution and contamination of soil and water bodies and contribute to conserving natural resources by recycling materials from scrap vehicles.

  3. Customer convenience: MSTI understands the importance of providing a seamless and convenient experience to vehicle owners who wish to scrap their old vehicles. MSTI has streamlined the documentation and procedures involved in car scrapping, making the process hassle-free for vehicle owners. MSTI assists vehicle owners in obtaining necessary permits and licenses, deregistration of the vehicle, and transfer of ownership. Additionally, MSTI offers value-added services such as doorstep pickup of vehicles, transparent pricing, and prompt payment for the vehicle's scrap value. This customer-centric approach ensures vehicle owners have a convenient and efficient experience when scrapping their vehicles.

Authorized Car Scrapper | MSTI

Technology and Processes at MSTI's Facility in Noida

MSTI's facility in Noida is equipped with advanced technology and processes, making it a pioneering center for car scrapping in India. The facility follows a systematic and standardized process for scrapping vehicles, which includes the following steps:

  1. Vehicle Inspection: When a vehicle is brought to MSTI's facility for scrapping, it undergoes a thorough inspection to assess its condition and determine the best course of action. This includes checking for hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead-acid batteries, and refrigerants, which need to be safely removed and disposed of.

  2. Fluid Drainage: All fluids such as engine oil, transmission oil, coolant, brake fluid, and fuel are drained from the vehicle in a controlled manner to prevent contamination of soil and water bodies. These fluids are then properly disposed of or recycled as per environmental regulations.

  3. Dismantling: Once the fluids are drained, the vehicle is dismantled into material such as the engine, transmission, suspension, exhaust, wheels, tires,. These materials are carefully separated and segregated for recycling, reuse, or disposal as per the environmental guidelines.

  4. Recycling: Recyclable components, such as metal parts, plastic parts, and glass, are sent for recycling.. Recycling conserves natural resources and reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing new items from raw materials.

  5. Disposal of Hazardous Materials: Any hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead-acid batteries, and refrigerants removed from the vehicle during the scrapping process are safely disposed of or recycled as per the environmental regulations. MSTI ensures that hazardous materials are handled and disposed of in compliance with the applicable laws and guidelines to prevent environmental pollution.

  6. Apply on Vahaan Portal : MSTI assists vehicle owners in apply the Vahaan portal to scrap their vehicle.

Benefits of MSTI's Revolutionizing Efforts

MSTI's innovative approach to car scrapping in India has several benefits, including:

  1. Environmentally sustainable: MSTI's scrapping process follows environmentally responsible practices, such as proper disposal of hazardous materials, recycling of recyclable components, and waste segregation. This helps conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, and minimize the environmental impact of car scrapping. By adopting sustainable practices, MSTI contributes to preserving the environment for future generations.

  2. Safe and compliant: MSTI ensures that the scrapping process complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. The facility is equipped with trained professionals who safely handle hazardous materials and follow best practices in scrapping. This ensures the safety of workers, surrounding communities, and the environment while adhering to legal requirements.

  3. Reduced carbon footprint: Car scrapping is a critical step in reducing the carbon footprint of the automotive industry. Old and inefficient vehicles emit higher levels of greenhouse gases and pollutants. By scrapping such vehicles and recycling their components, MSTI helps reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, creating a cleaner and healthier environment.

  4. Resource conservation: Scrapping vehicles and recycling their components help conserve valuable natural resources. Many scrap vehicle components, such as metals, plastics, and glass, can be recycled and reused to manufacture new components. This reduces the need for extracting raw materials, conserves energy required for manufacturing, and minimizes the environmental impact of resource extraction and production.

  5. Economic benefits: MSTI's car scrapping process also generates economic benefits. Recycling recyclable components creates opportunities for the recycling industry, contributing to job creation and economic growth. Additionally, the scrap value obtained from the vehicle can provide an additional source of income for vehicle owners, making the scrapping process financially beneficial for them. Besides, incentives can be availed by the customer by using Certificate of Deposit issued by MSTI for purchasing the new vehicle.

Authorized Car Scrapper | MSTI

Future of Car Scrapping in India with MSTI

You might wonder what the future of car scrapping is in India with MSTI. Let's look at some of the ways they are creating a revolution.

1.More Environmentally Friendly Process

MSTI has developed a completely environment-friendly process, which means that no toxic liquids, dangerous chemicals, or gases are released into the atmosphere due to their process. This is because their method focuses on recycling the parts of vehicles that can be reused, such as electrical components and batteries, instead of just selling them for scrap.

2.Streamlined Service for Vehicle Owners

The process is also much faster than traditional car scrapping methods, meaning that car owners don't have to wait weeks or months to get rid of their old vehicle. Instead, they can take it to an MSTI-RVSF and have it taken care of quickly and easily.


MSTI's innovative approach to car scrapping in India is revolutionizing how old vehicles are disposed of, addressing the challenges associated with car scrapping, and promoting environmentally responsible practices. The facility in Noida follows advanced technology and processes for scrapping vehicles, adhering to safety guidelines and environmental regulations. The benefits of MSTI's efforts include environmentally sustainable practices, safe and compliant scrapping process, reduced carbon footprint, resource conservation, economic benefits, improved road safety, and a simplified and convenient process for vehicle owners.As India faces the challenge of increasing vehicle population and the resulting issues of pollution, road safety, and resource conservation, initiatives like MSTI are crucial in addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable solutions for car scrapping. With its innovative approach, MSTI is leading the way in revolutionizing car scrapping in India, creating a positive impact on the environment, economy, and society. It is imperative for all stakeholders, including vehicle owners, regulatory bodies, and the automotive industry, to support and adopt such responsible car-scrapping practices for a sustainable future.